Sunday, 28 October 2012

Eskimo Curlew (Numenius Borealis)- Shorebird

Eskimo curlew is a small , mostly brown shore bird. It is a medium sized shorebird with a slender, slightly  down curved  bill. It is approximately 30 cm tall, has short bluish gray legs and a rich cinnamon color on its belly and wing linnings. It belongs to the family Scolopacidae. Eskimo curlews migrate from breeding grounds in the Arctic  tundra through...

Pothos – Devil’s Ivy

                Pothos  is one of the easiest houseplant to grow.  Its botanical name is Epipremnum aureum or Scindapsus aureus. But it is often referred as devil’s ivy or variegated philodendron. These plants can do well in indirect lights. One of the special features of this plant is that it can be grown both in...

Portulaca Grandiflora – Sun lovers

                Portulaca  Grandiflora is one of my favorite  plant which doesn’t need any special care and brings the beauty to our garden with its different colors of flowers. It belongs to the family Portulacaceae. It is commonly known as portulaca, moss rose, rose moss...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Lawsonia Inermis – Red Brown Dye

Lawsonia inermis is popularly known as maruthani or marithondi in Tamil  language.  In Bengali it is called as mehedi or mendi. In English it is known as henna tree , camphor or Egyptian privet. Lawsonia inermis is a much branched glabrous shrub. It grows up to 7 m high at its tallest with grayish-brown bark.Its leaves are used as a skin and hair dye ....

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Karpuravalli – Cure for Cough

               Coleus Ambonicus is known as karpuravalli in Tamil. This plant should be grown in homes where there are children. It is called as Karpuravalli because it carries the flavor of  camphor. In Tamil karpuram means camphor. Coleus ambonicus is a much branched, fleshy, highly aromatic pubescent herb. The plant...

Tulsi - Healing Herb

                   Ocimum Sanctum(Holy basil) is commonly known as tulsi. The name Tulsi means “Incomparable one”. It is considered as one of the sacred plant in India. Water mixed with the petals is given to the dying to raise their departing souls to heaven. It has many medicinal properties. Medicine is made from...